Appropriations & Reauthorization of the Surface Transportation Bill
Ongoing Federal Support for HSR
Political Sustainability for HSR
Linking Different Agencies for HSR
Permanent Funding Sources
National Defense, Energy Security and HSR
Bringing High Speed Rail to America
Why High Speed
High Speed Rail Around the World
Real Estate Development Opportunities
Transit Oriented Development
Station Area Planning
Rail Station Architecture and Design
Creating Jobs & Stimulating the Economy
Scaling Up HSR Renewable Energy
Planning New HSR Systems
Streamlining Application Process
Financing HSR with Private Capital
Public Private Partnerships
Infrastructure Fund HSR
Technology of HSR
Integrating with Transit
USHSR National Rail Map
EU National Rail Map
USHSR in Time magazine
USHSR in Time: "All Aboard?" July 19 issue
"The goal is to create attractive alternatives to long drives and short flights, which would relieve road and air congestion; reduce carbon emissions, highway deaths and dependence on oil from foreign thugs or the blackened Gulf; create jobs, jump start a new domestic manufacturing industry; and improve the competitiveness and convenience of the U.S. economy."
"You wouldn't have to get to the airport ridiculously early, take off your shoes, turn off your phone or pay extra for luggage; you wouldn't have to worry about the weather or some Icelandic volcano canceling your trip. You wouldn't have to watch the road, wait in traffic, find parking or pull over to stretch your legs; you wouldn't risk arrest or an accident by drinking or texting." -Time, July 19, 2010
"If we are to continue economic development and prosperity, we will need to greatly reduce our daily oil consumption, and high-speed rail is the only possible solution that can scale up to meet the growing demand of American mobility while greatly reducing our oil consumption." -USHSR President Andy Kunz onCNN
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 G St. NE, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20002 (202) 248-5001