High speed rail transforms travel patterns, modes, and market share in a region

High speed rail delivers such high-capacity and fast, reliable transportation that the majority of travelers in a region choose it over other modes when it becomes available, resulting in dramatic and rapid transformations of travel patterns for an entire region.

Spain's transportation transformation was rapid once the Ave high speed train opened. Mode shift and market share transformed quickly with people moving in large numbers from airplanes, cars, and slow trains to the high speed service.

This mode-shift pattern is the same for every high speed rail system in the world. On shorter routes, the high speed rail captures 90% and greater of the marketshare. On longer routes, the market share for high speed rail remains above 50% in every corridor in the world.

In some corridors such as in Italy, the discount airlines stopped flying because they couldn't compete with high speed rail services offering superior convenience and easy access into downtowns.

Its impossible to compete with high speed rail for convenience and door-to-door trip times

High speed rail is a smart investment in America's future!

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