21st Century Transportation for America

  • Politics of High Speed Rail
  • HSR Investment
  • Appropriations & Reauthorization of the Surface Transportation Bill
  • Ongoing Federal Support for HSR
  • Political Sustainability for HSR
  • Linking Different Agencies for HSR
  • Permanent Funding Sources
  • National Defense, Energy Security and HSR
  • Bringing High Speed Rail to America
  • Why High Speed
  • High Speed Rail Around the World
  • Real Estate Development Opportunities
  • Transit Oriented Development
  • Station Area Planning
  • Rail Station Architecture and Design
  • Creating Jobs & Stimulating the Economy
  • Scaling Up HSR Renewable Energy
  • Planning New HSR Systems
  • Streamlining Application Process
  • Financing HSR with Private Capital
  • Public Private Partnerships
  • Infrastructure Fund HSR
  • Technology of HSR
  • Integrating with Transit

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National Rail Plan Released by FRA

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Highlighted Speakers

U.S. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi 

Nancy Pelosi is the Democratic Leader of the House of Representatives in the 112th Congress.  From 2007 to 2011, she served as the first woman Speaker of the House and is also the first woman in American history to lead a major political party in Congress, having served as House Democratic Leader from 2003 to 2007. Leader Pelosi will mark her 25th year of service in the House representing San Francisco, California’s Eighth District, in 2012.

Pelosi brings to her leadership position a distinguished record of legislative accomplishment. She led the Congress in passing historic health insurance reform, key investments in college aid, clean energy and innovation, and initiatives to help small businesses and veterans. She has been a powerful voice for civil rights and human rights around the world for decades.  Pelosi comes from strong family tradition of public service in Baltimore. Married to Paul Pelosi, she is a mother of five and grandmother of nine.

Democrat Leader Pelosi
U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood 
U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood is a big supporter of high speed rail, having recently visited leading high speed rail systems around the world.  Convinced of the great value high speed rail will deliver for America, Secretary LaHood works tirelessly to promote and advance the new high speed rail program across the country in an effort to create American jobs, revitalize the manufacturing sector, and stimulate the overall economy of the United States.

In nominating LaHood, President-elect Obama said, "Few understand our infrastructure challenge better than the outstanding public servant that I'm asking to lead the Department of Transportation."

Secretary LaHood
Secretary LaHood's primary goals in implementing President Obama's priorities for transportation include safety across all modes, restoring economic health and creating jobs, sustainability - shaping the economy of the coming decades by building new transportation infrastructure, and assuring that transportation policies focus on people who use the transportation system and their communities.

As Secretary of Transportation, LaHood leads an agency with more than 55,000 employees and a $70 billion budget that oversees air, maritime and surface transportation missions.  LaHood is one of two Republican members of the Obama Cabinet.  Check out Secretary LaHood's 
transportation blog.

U.S. Congressman John Mica 

A long time supporter of high speed rail, Congressman John Mica (Republican, 7th District of Florida) Chairman of the largest committee in Congress - Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.  Currently serving his ninth term, Mica is a visionary who helps oversee federal policy issues relating to all forms of transportation.

As the Transportation Committee's top Republican, Mica was responsible for legislation in 2008 authorizing for the first time, private sector participation in the development of high-speed rail.  He has strongly advocated for cutting red tape to expedite the lengthy federal transportation infrastructure project approval process, and called for the development of a comprehensive and national strategic transportation plan.

Congressman John Mica
U.S. Congressman Jim Oberstar 

Having served his country as a Member of Congress for 36 years - most of his career - Chairman Oberstar has had a tremendous influence on transportation policy.  He served as Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee from 2007-2011.  During his time in Congress he was involved in the following coalitions and caucuses:  Bike Caucus, Caucus for Sustainable Development, Caucus on Global Road Safety, Human Rights Caucus, Steel Caucus, Travel and Tourism Caucus, Homeland Security Task Force, Great Lake Task Force, International Relations Committee, Medical Technology Caucus, Mississippi River Caucus, Native American Caucus, Renewable Energy Caucus, and the Upper Mississippi Task Force.
Congressman Jim Oberstar
An avid cyclist, Oberstar has been a champion of creating bicycle trails to promote healthy living.  In 2005 he authored and helped pass the Safe Routes to Schools program, and was a co-sponsor of the SAFETEA-LU act, a $295 billion program that funds transportation infrastructure.  

Chairman Oberstar holds a B.A. from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, and a Master's degree in European Studies from the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, and has further studies at Universite Laval in Sainte-Foy, Quebec, Canada, and Georgetown University.  He speaks 6 languages, and has travelled extensively around the country and the world examining the most effective ways to move people and goods while revitalizing America's infrastructure.

HOT TOPIC:  Transportation Reauthorization Bill

Come to DC!
Don't miss this exciting high speed rail event of the year - High Speed Rail Summit DC!  The Nation's capital is the place to be this February 28-March 1.  

Business and political leaders will come together with the world's top experts to bring high speed rail to America.  
HSR connecting to DC
High speed rail is revolutionizing the rest of the world, and now its America's turn.  Be part of the excitement in Washington, DC!
Networking Opportunities
Previous conference attendees include executives from:

Balfour Beatty
Parsons Brinckerhoff
KCI Technologies
Louis Berger Group
U.S.-Japan High Speed Rail
Central Japan Railway
Japan Int'l Transport Institute
CRCC (China)
TSDI (China)
CSR (China)
NDF (China)
TUC Rail
Hyundai Rotem
Kawasaki Rail Car
GKK Works 
Foster + Partners Architects
Dover Kohl
Urban Land Institute
Bentley Systems
SMI International
First Southwest Investment Bank
Hill & Knowlton
Global-5 Communications
Shaw Group
CA. HSR Authority
GPO, Inc.
DLA Piper
Holland & Knight
Quarles and Brady
Parker Poe
Lockheed Martin
Northrop Grumman
Alion Science & Tech.
BAE Systems
Invensys Rail
Finley Engineering
Mc Dean
Archer Western
NKT Cables
Gov't. of Quebec
Wilbur Smith 

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Clean, green, fast, comfortable, energy efficient, sustainable transportation
Be part of this important high speed rail summit!  Hear from Congress and the Obama Administration about plans to step up the national high speed rail program.  Hear about the many challenges with launching a major new infrastructure project of this scale.  Listen to senior elected officials discuss the importance of maintaining the 'political sustainability' needed to get it built.  Hear from political and business leaders where this program is going, how money will be rolled out, and where the money will continue to come from to pay for these new systems. 

Learn about the rapidly growing support among the business community across multiple sectors for high speed rail in America.  Hear from experts about the conservative case for a major investment in HSR.  This is the event to be part of in the nation's capital - at the center of the action in high speed rail!

"Now, standing-room-only crowds show up when rail is on the agenda"
-New York Times, November 6, 2009

Jobs, jobs, jobs
Millions of jobs and the revival of our industrial sectors
jobs | economic recovery | mobility | safety | energy security | climate solution

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12/02/11   Mass Transit:  Amtrak Reshuffles Northeast Operations

12/02.11   Second effort for high speed rail?

11/22/11   SustainableCitiesCollective on High Speed Rail's Future in US

11/21/11   What is High Speed Rail and Will It Reduce Emissions?

11/15/11   News Flash English:  Why doesn't the USA have high speed rail?

11/09/11   HSR Offers New Opportunities for Labor

11/08/11   Washington Post:  House Transportation Chairman on NEC

11/08/11   San Francisco Chronicle:  Mica Ending Effort to Seize Amtrak NEC 

11/08/11   Epoch Times:  Amtrak to Keep Northeast Corridor Route

11/08/11   Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood 

10/21/11   TFI News:  USHSR Video Interview

10/19/11   Reframing the Transportation Debate

10/17/11   Amtrak Reports Record Passengers

10/17/11   Wall Street Journal:  Plan for High Speed Rail

10/14/11   BBC:  Could the US crack high-speed rail?

10/14/11   Fox Business News:  Record Amtrak Passengers Hint at Growning Demand for HSR

10/04/11   DC Streetsblog:  USDOT Tries to Resuscitate HSR  

9/25/11    Support High Speed Rail

9/21/11    Bloomberg:  High Speed Rail Win

9/19/11    On liking Amtrak, or not

9/12/11    Amtrak rolls on 40 years later, destination still uncertain

8/22/11    Mass Transit Magazine:  USHSR Compliments CA Governor Jerry Brown 

8/19/11    California Gov. Brown gives thumbs up to state's HSR project

8/18/11    High-Speed Rail is Worth the Heavy Costs

8/15/11    The Root: High-Speed Rail Races to the US?

7/28/11    DC StreetsBlog: Mica and Rail Supporters Meet Halfway

7/27/11    NARP: USHSR on Fox Business News

7/15/11    High speed rail pushed



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