If the people of Florida want to recover tourism, real estate, and jobs, high speed rail is needed. The price of oil is skyrocketing due to the revolutions sweeping the Middle East - already topping $105 per barrel this week, and expected to continue upwards to $300 per barrel within this decade. High oil prices hurt Florida more than other states, and will force more cutbacks in driving and flying, further harming Florida's tourism, real estate, and jobs.
Since cars and airplanes are 100% powered by oil, both forms of transportation will quickly become too expensive to use. High speed rail doesn't have this problem because the trains are powered by electricity, which can be increasingly generated by renewable energy right here in America (wind, solar, ocean/tidal, etc), not subject to price spikes or foreign revolutions.
Building high speed rail in Florida will deliver inexpensive mobility - encouraging more travel and tourism, a major real estate recovery, and tens of thousands of new jobs. If Florida doesn't build high speed rail now, the state will continue to sink under the weight of rapidly rising oil prices.
The remedy for high oil prices |