High speed rail is good for America... everyone stands to benefit!
Freedom from the daily hassles, delays, dangers, and problems America's transportation systems have become
High speed rail = freedom from our current transportation problems
Freedom from airport security hassles, freedom from never-ending flight delays and cancellations, freedom from being forced to spend hours stuck in airports, freedom from having to turn off your electronic devices, freedom from endless traffic jams, freedom from car accidents, freedom from foreign oil dependency and rogue nations controlling us, freedom from oil price spikes, freedom from transferring our wealth (money we spend on transportation) to terrorist-ridden nations that don't like us, and freedom from being pulled into resource wars.
Promoting HSR for America is promoting freedom for Americans!
HSR is as American as we can get.
Clean, green, fast, comfortable, energy efficient, sustainable transportation
High Speed Rail is Good for America and Good for Business This is one important issue that Republicans and Democrats see the value in: The national high speed rail network will create millions of good jobs, stimulate the economy, create entirely new industries, be the catalyst for the next real estate boom, save businesses money, increase mobility, reduce dependence on oil, reduce our annual $700 billion trade deficit (purchasing foreign oil), and significantly increase national security.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 G St. NE, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20002 (202) 248-5001