Participate in America's New Transportation!

The US High Speed Rail Association is on a mission to bring 21st century transportation to America! Since 2009 we've been making great progress bringing high speed rail closer to reality. In the coming year we are planning major new activities to further this mission, and we invite you to participate. Please help us meet our yearly financial goals with your contribution today!



America's first state-of-the-world high speed rail line is now under construction in California. This 220-mph system will be faster than many other nations' HSR systems! Similar systems are under development in Texas, Florida, Nevada, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Oregon, and Washington! Join us as we ramp up our efforts to accelerate the development of state-of-the-art high speed rail across America.


   Join us in bringing high speed rail to America!

Make your contribution to 21st century transportation.



USHSR has been busy over the past decade working to fulfill our mission:  "To build widespread public, business, and political support for a major investment in a national high speed rail network."

Since 2009, USHSR has accomplished the following:

  • Launched a bold new vision for America with a national, connected high speed rail network which has since shown up all over the media and internet helping to get America to think big again:  https://www.ushsr.com/hsrmap
  • Put on 30 major rail conferences all around America
  • Produced hundreds of informational videos about high speed rail and the many benefits it delivers to society

  • Testified multiple times before Congress in favor of rail investment
  • Authored a white paper on how America could institutionalize developing a national high speed rail network as an important national project (at the request of the Senate Budget Committee, and Senator Sanders)
  • Consistently taken on the anti-rail myths endlessly promulgated by the extreme think tanks who regularly bash rail in the media

  • Participated in multiple other conferences to raise awareness of high speed rail and the many benefits to a wide audience. These included infrastructure investor conferences, real estate development conferences, environmental and green jobs conferences, and major student events
  • Launched the TOD Institute to bring focus to quality walkable environments around rail stations known as Transit Oriented Development:  www.tod.org
  • Held several major TOD conferences bringing together top real estate developers, elected and public officials, and leading rail experts

  • Sent out hundreds of letters and informational packets to elected officials, Congress members, business leaders, and America's billionaires laying out the importance of investing in high speed rail at the national scale
  • Maintained a voice for state-of-the-art high speed rail for America, despite constant calls to dumb down projects to cut costs
  • Constantly in the media sharing the benefits of HSR and TOD, dispelling myths, showcasing what the rest of the world is doing, and highlighting progress America is making on HSR

Help us increase our national advocacy with your contribution today!


jobs | economic recovery | mobility | safety | energy security | climate solution


US HSR.  Making it happen.